URJC – University Rey Juan Carlos team headed by Dr. Javier Marugán coordinates the project. Together with Dr. Fernando Martínez and Dr. María José López, they have a vast experience in water decontamination and disinfection by Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) such as TiO2 photocatalysis, photoelectrocatalytic processes, Fenton, photo-Fenton, ultrasounds (US), US-Fenton and UV/H2O2, and also in membrane technologies. In recent years they have also focused on the application of these technologies to the removal of ECs, covering aspects from the preparation and optimization of catalytic materials to the modelling and reactor design. More recently they have also started studying the combination of AOPs with biological processes. URJC has different photocatalytic reactors to test their heterogeneous titania and iron catalysts and numerous facilities to characterize their photocatalytic materials (XRD, XRF, SEM, TEM, UV-vis RD, ICP-OES). Concerning the ABOP, suspended growth reactors for operation as sequencing bath reactors (SBR) and rotating biological contactors (RBCs) can be used. Additionally, there is a pilot WWTP plant located in the Technological Support Center at Móstoles Campus, which provides a scale-down of a conventional WWTP with RBCs as biological system. These facilities make possible to evaluate the integration of monitoring and treatment processes. Likewise, the water analytical laboratory (LAGUA) provides analytical facilities to characterize water samples from the pilot WWTP (GC-MS, GC-FID, HPLC-DAD&IC, TOC, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, selective electrodes for pH, redox potential, alkalinity, chlorides, ammonia, etc.). This laboratory is in process of accreditation by the national institution ENAC, which is within ILAC -International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. The university as institution has significant experience providing administrative and managerial support for the coordination of European projects through its Research Services department, who is in charge of promoting and managing joint research projects between the University and industry, including European Projects. Regarding URJC team, the leader Javier Marugán is participating in PCATDES FP7 project and Fernando Martínez is currently supervising a Marie Curie fellowship of FP7-PEOPLE-IEF (BioAOPBDies). The URJC team will also count with the participation of Dr. Rafael van Grieken, full professor of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology and member of the same research group that has been appointed as director of the Spanish Quality Agency ANECA, so he will act as non-funded external councillor.