UST – University of Stuttgart group has a wide experience in environmental analysis of micropollutants in various matrices, focus wastewater treatment (also effect-oriented) and advanced wastewater treatment (powdered and granulated activated carbon, ozone, H2O2, UV, chlorine and combinations), evaluation of the occurrence, fate and behaviour of micropollutants in the aquatic environment also under highly dynamic conditions (monitoring and sampling strategies) and determination of estrogenic activity. The members of this group that will be dedicated to the project will be Dr. Bertram Kuch and one technical staff. The equipment of the UST laboratory includes ICP-OES, GC-MS, GC-MSMS and HPLC-MSMS for the determination of micropollutants and biological laboratories. The WWTP for research and education (10000 p.e.) of the University of Stuttgart allows large-scale investigations on wastewater treatment processes under real conditions. Dr Kuch has been involved in many research related projects such as the WESS competence cluster, part of the Helmholtz Water Network and the National Water Science Alliance, SchussenAktivPlus project about Reduction of micropollutants and potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance (funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and cofunded by the Ministry of Environment Baden-Württemberg) or AKIX project, a Vietnamese-German research project on integrated wastewater concepts for industrial zones in Vietnam, funded by BMBF.